how to get booked on podcasts

How to Get Booked on Podcasts — A Novice Guide

If you’re keen to learn how to get booked on podcasts, this guide is designed with you in mind.

If you’re aiming to leverage podcasts for personal growth, brand exposure, or to share your expertise, knowing how to get booked on a podcast is crucial. The process involves more than just sending out a generic pitch; it requires strategy, research, and a bit of finesse to capture the attention of podcast hosts.

In this article, you will learn:

  • Strategies to identify and select suitable podcasts for your niche.
  • How to craft a compelling pitch that stands out to podcast hosts.
  • Tips for following up effectively without being pushy.

With these insights, you’ll be well on your way to securing spots on podcasts that resonate with your message and audience, opening doors to new opportunities and connections in the podcasting world.

Understanding the Podcast Landscape

Understanding the podcast landscape is essential for leveraging its potential to the fullest. Here’s a concise breakdown:

Overview of the Podcast Industry’s Growth and Diversity

  • Explosive Growth: The podcast industry has seen remarkable growth, with millions of podcasts available across various platforms.
  • Diverse Content: Podcasts cover every conceivable topic, from business and technology to entertainment and personal development.

The Benefits of Appearing as a Guest on Podcasts

  1. Enhanced Visibility: Reach a wider, engaged audience beyond your current network.
  2. Credibility Boost: Aligning with respected podcasts can significantly bolster your authority in your field.
  3. Personal Connection: Share your story in a personal way, building a deeper connection with listeners.
  4. Increased Traffic: Direct listeners to your website or social platforms, increasing your digital footprint.
  5. Networking Opportunities: Forge valuable connections with hosts and fellow guests.

How to Research and Identify Podcasts That Align with Your Expertise and Audience

  1. Define Your Niche: Start by clearly identifying your area of expertise and the audience you want to reach.
  2. Utilize Podcast Directories: Explore platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts, using categories and search functionalities.
  3. Engage on Social Media: Follow relevant hashtags and groups to discover podcast topics that align with your interests.
  4. Listen and Learn: Select a few potential podcasts and listen to their episodes to understand their tone, audience, and guest preferences.
  5. Evaluate Alignment: Ensure the podcast’s audience and content align with your message and goals.

By gaining a solid understanding of the podcast landscape, you can strategically position yourself as an ideal guest for podcasts that resonate with your expertise and target audience.

Crafting Your Pitch

Crafting an irresistible pitch to podcast hosts is crucial for securing a guest spot. Here’s a structured approach to ensure your pitch stands out:

Tips for Making Your Pitch Relevant and Irresistible

  1. Personalize Your Approach:
    • Use the host’s name to create a personal connection.
    • Mention specific episodes you enjoyed to show genuine interest.
  2. Highlight Your Unique Value Proposition (UVP):
    • Clearly articulate what sets you apart from other potential guests.
    • Offer unique insights or experiences that align with the podcast’s audience.
  3. Suggest a Clear Topic or Angle:
    • Propose specific topics or angles that fit the podcast’s theme.
    • Show how your expertise can contribute to a compelling discussion.
  4. Include Social Proof:
    • Mention previous podcast appearances, publications, or speaking engagements.
    • Highlight any accolades or recognitions that lend credibility.
  5. Keep It Concise:
    • Be clear and to the point, ensuring your pitch can be quickly read and understood.
    • Aim for a few short paragraphs covering the key points.
  6. End with a Call to Action (CTA):
    • Encourage the host to take the next step, whether it’s a reply, a call, or a meeting.
    • Make it easy for them to see the value in discussing further.

The Importance of Personalization in Your Pitch

Personalization demonstrates that you’ve taken the time to understand the podcast and its audience. It helps your pitch stand out in a sea of generic requests, showing that you’re genuinely interested in adding value to the podcast.

Examples of Successful Pitch Elements

  1. Personal Connection: “I’ve been a listener for a year now, and episode #42 on [topic] really stood out to me because…”
  2. Unique Value Proposition: “With my background in [field], I can offer your listeners unique insights into [specific topic].”
  3. Suggested Topics: “I’d love to discuss [specific topic], which I believe your audience will find both enlightening and actionable.”
  4. Social Proof: “I recently spoke at [event] and appeared on [other podcast], where we delved into [topic].”
  5. CTA: “I’d be thrilled to explore how we can deliver great value to your listeners. Could we set up a time to discuss this further?”

Connecting with Podcast Hosts

Successfully connecting with podcast hosts is a critical step in getting booked on podcasts. Here’s how to navigate this process effectively:

Best Practices for Finding and Contacting Podcast Hosts

  1. Research Host Contact Information:
    • Check the podcast’s official website for a contact email or submission form.
    • Look for contact details in the podcast’s description on platforms like Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
  2. Craft a Personalized Email:
    • Use the host’s name to personalize the email.
    • Reference specific episodes to demonstrate genuine interest.
  3. Follow Submission Guidelines:
    • Adhere to any guest submission guidelines provided by the podcast.
    • Include all requested information to increase your chances of being considered.
  4. Use Concise and Clear Language:
    • Be clear about who you are and why you’re a great fit for the podcast.
    • Keep the email brief but informative.
  5. Follow Up Wisely:
    • If you don’t hear back, a polite follow-up email after 2-3 weeks is acceptable.
    • Avoid being overly persistent, as this can deter hosts from considering you.

The Role of Social Media

  1. Engagement Before Outreach:
    • Engage with the podcast and host on social media before reaching out. Like, comment on, and share their posts to get on their radar.
  2. Direct Messaging:
    • Some hosts may prefer contact through social media platforms. If they’re active and responsive on these channels, a concise direct message can be an effective way to connect.
  3. Leverage LinkedIn:
    • LinkedIn can be particularly effective for professional and industry-specific podcasts. A connection request with a personalized note can open the door for communication.
  4. Showcase Your Presence:
    • Ensure your own social media profiles reflect your expertise and interests. Hosts are likely to review your profiles before making a decision.

Connecting with podcast hosts requires a blend of research, personalization, and respectful communication. By following these best practices and effectively utilizing social media, you can increase your chances of getting booked on podcasts that align with your goals and audience.

Does it sound like a lot? One solution to consider is outsourcing this task to a reputable podcast booking agency.

Preparing for Your Podcast Appearance

Being well-prepared for your podcast appearance can significantly impact the success of the interview and the value you deliver to the audience. Here’s how to ensure you’re ready:

How to Prepare for a Successful Podcast Interview

  1. Research the Podcast:
    • Listen to recent episodes to understand the format, tone, and types of questions asked.
    • Note any recurring themes or questions that you can prepare for.
  2. Understand the Audience:
    • Identify the podcast’s target audience and tailor your message to their interests and needs.
    • Consider what unique insights or stories you can share that will resonate with them.
  3. Prepare Your Key Messages:
    • Outline 3-5 key points you want to convey during the interview.
    • Have anecdotes or examples ready to illustrate your points.
  4. Technical Setup:
    • Ensure you have a quiet, comfortable space to record.
    • Test your microphone and internet connection ahead of time.
  5. Practice:

Tips on Delivering Value to the Podcast Audience

  1. Be Engaging:
    • Use stories and examples to illustrate your points.
    • Keep your energy level high to maintain listener interest.
  2. Be Insightful:
    • Share unique insights or actionable tips that listeners can apply.
    • Avoid generic advice that can be found elsewhere.
  3. Be Generous:
    • Offer resources, tools, or advice freely.
    • Consider offering a special discount or giveaway to the podcast audience.

Handling Common Questions and Steering the Conversation

  1. Anticipate Common Questions:
    • Prepare for typical questions related to your expertise or personal journey.
    • Have concise, impactful answers ready.
  2. Redirect Politely:
    • If the conversation veers off-topic, gently steer it back by linking your response to a key message.
    • Use transitions like, “That’s a great point, and it also reminds me of…”
  3. Stay On Message:
    • While answering questions, find ways to connect back to your key messages without being repetitive.
    • If faced with a challenging question, bridge back to your comfort zone by tying your answer to a familiar topic.

Preparing thoroughly for your podcast appearance and being ready to deliver value and engage the audience will ensure a memorable and impactful interview.

Leveraging Your Podcast Appearances

Maximizing the impact of your podcast appearances is crucial for extending your reach and reinforcing your brand. Here’s how to leverage these opportunities effectively:

Strategies for Promoting Your Podcast Appearances to Maximize Exposure

  1. Social Media Sharing:
    • Share the episode across all your social media platforms.
    • Tag the host and podcast to expand reach.
  2. Email Marketing:
    • Include the podcast episode in your newsletter.
    • Offer a brief insight or teaser to encourage listens.
  3. Website Feature:
    • Create a dedicated media or press page on your website to feature your podcast appearances.
    • Include a brief description and link to each episode.
  4. Cross-Promotion:
    • Offer to share the episode with other podcasts or platforms you’re connected with.
    • Engage in social media conversations about the episode to increase visibility.

The Importance of Follow-up and Building Long-term Relationships with Hosts

  1. Express Gratitude:
    • Send a thank-you note or email to the host after your appearance.
    • Acknowledge their time and the opportunity they provided.
  2. Stay Connected:
    • Follow and interact with the host and podcast on social media.
    • Share and comment on their future episodes and content.
  3. Offer Reciprocal Opportunities:
    • If you have a platform, offer the host an opportunity to collaborate or appear as a guest.
    • Suggest future topics or guests that might be a good fit for their podcast.

Integrating Podcast Appearances into Your Broader Marketing Strategy:

  1. Content Creation:
    • Use insights or stories shared on the podcast as inspiration for blog posts, videos, or social media content.
    • Create infographics or summaries of key points discussed in the episode.
  2. Networking:
    • Use the podcast appearance as a talking point in networking opportunities.
    • Mention the appearance in pitches or proposals to new clients or collaborators.
  3. Brand Building:
    • Highlight your podcast appearances in your brand story or about page.
    • Use quotes or testimonials from the host or audience feedback in your marketing materials.

By strategically promoting your podcast appearances, following up with hosts, and integrating these experiences into your marketing strategy, you can amplify your reach, strengthen relationships, and enhance your brand’s presence in your industry.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Navigating the podcast guesting landscape can be tricky. Here are some common pitfalls to avoid and tips on how to steer clear of them:

Common Pitfalls in the Process and How to Avoid Them

  1. Being Too Generic:
    • Avoid sending the same pitch to multiple hosts without customization.
    • Research each podcast and personalize your pitch to show genuine interest.
  2. Overlooking Follow-Up:
    • Don’t assume no response means disinterest.
    • Politely follow up 2-3 weeks after your initial pitch, but avoid being pushy.
  3. Poor Audio Quality:
    • Invest in a good quality microphone and ensure a quiet recording environment.
    • Test your setup before the interview to avoid any technical issues.
  4. Failing to Prepare:
    • Don’t go into an interview without researching the podcast and its audience.
    • Prepare your key messages and anticipate potential questions.
  5. Not Leveraging the Appearance:
    • Missing the opportunity to promote your podcast appearance limits its potential impact.
    • Share the episode on your social media, website, and email newsletters.

Real-life Examples of What Not to Do When Trying to Get Booked on Podcasts

  1. The Mass Email Blunder: A guest once sent a mass email pitch to several podcast hosts, accidentally CC’ing them all. It showcased a lack of personalization and care, leading to immediate rejection by all.
  2. The Unprepared Guest: A guest appeared on a podcast without listening to any episodes beforehand, leading to awkward moments when they couldn’t align their responses with the podcast’s tone and audience interests.
  3. The Disappearing Act: After recording a great interview, a guest failed to respond to the host’s follow-up emails about the episode release and did not promote their appearance, missing out on mutual benefits.

By being mindful of these common mistakes and taking steps to avoid them, you can improve your chances of not only getting booked on podcasts but also making the most out of every appearance.


Appearing as a guest on podcasts is a powerful strategy for amplifying your personal and brand growth. It offers unparalleled opportunities to reach new audiences, establish authority, and deepen connections within your industry. Here’s a concise recap and the next steps to consider:

Key Takeaways:

  1. Selecting the Right Podcasts: Focus on podcasts that align with your expertise and target audience to maximize impact.
  2. Crafting an Effective Pitch: Personalize your pitch to each host, highlighting your unique value and how you can contribute to their podcast.
  3. Leveraging Appearances: Promote your podcast appearances across your platforms and integrate them into your broader marketing strategy to extend their reach and benefits.

Next Steps:

To further enhance your success as a podcast guest, consider exploring advanced strategies for podcast guesting. This could involve developing more targeted approaches to identify potential podcasts, refining your pitch techniques based on feedback and outcomes, and innovating ways to leverage appearances more effectively within your marketing ecosystem.

Additionally, engaging with a mentor or joining a community of podcast guests can provide insights into more nuanced strategies and help you navigate the evolving podcast landscape with greater finesse.

By building on the foundation laid out in this guide, you can elevate your podcast guesting efforts, creating more meaningful connections and accelerating your growth.