podcast interview questions

Podcast Interview Questions for Crafting the Perfect Conversation

What makes a good interview great? It’s the art of asking the right questions.

Here are some common podcast interview questions:

  • How would you describe yourself?
  • What’s your biggest failure and what did you learn from it?
  • What piece of advice would you give to your younger self?
  • What are three unique skills that helped you become successful?
  • Describe your daily routine.
  • What is your biggest inspiration?
  • What is your end goal?
  • Share your favorite childhood memory.
  • Where can listeners find you?

In this article, we explore various kinds of podcast interview questions that can transform your conversations from ordinary to extraordinary.

Here are the different types of podcast interview questions covered in this article. Click on the links to see sample questions of each type:

  1. Open-Ended Questions
  2. Personal Questions
  3. Business and Strategy Focused Questions
  4. Industry-Specific Questions
  5. Fun and Light-Hearted Questions
  6. Challenging and Thought-Provoking Questions
  7. Signature Questions

The Unique Challenge of Interviewing Business Owners

Interviewing business owners presents a unique challenge. They juggle various commitments and responsibilities.

As such, it’s important to be mindful when approaching an interview with a business owner so as not to overwhelm them. 

Here are key things to consider when interviewing guests on podcasts:

  1. Depth of Insight Required: Crafting in-depth questions that go beyond basic business knowledge to extract unique insights and stories.
  2. Broad Topic Navigation: Balancing a range of topics from technical business strategies to personal entrepreneurship journeys.
  3. Audience Relevance: Aligning the interview questions with the diverse interests and knowledge levels of the podcast audience.
  4. Expertise Familiarity: Understanding the business owner’s field of expertise to ask informed and relevant questions.
  5. Personal-Professional Balance: Mixing questions about professional achievements with personal anecdotes to provide a well-rounded view of the guest.
  6. Freshness and Originality: Avoiding repetitive or generic questions to keep the conversation engaging and distinct.
  7. Encouraging Candid Responses: Creating a comfortable environment that prompts open and honest dialogue.
  8. Time Management: Efficiently covering a variety of topics within a limited interview duration.
  9. Adapting to Guest Dynamics: Tailoring the interview style and questions to suit the personality and communication style of the business owner.
  10. Post-Interview Content Utilization: Deciding how to best use the interview content for maximum engagement and impact, considering the business-oriented nature of the conversation.

Understanding Your Audience

Asking the right questions is crucial to engage your audience. By aligning your questions with their interests, you can easily capture their attention and create a deeper connection.

Here are the top reasons why it is important to align your questions with the interests of your audience.

  1. Increased Engagement: When your questions resonate with your audience’s interests, they are more likely to participate and engage in the conversation. This leads to a higher level of interaction and a more vibrant discussion.
  2. Relevant Insights: By asking questions that align with their interests, you can gather valuable insights and feedback. This helps you understand their needs, preferences, and expectations, allowing you to tailor your content or products to better meet their requirements.
  3. Building Trust: When you ask questions that genuinely reflect your audience’s interests, it shows that you value their opinions and perspectives. This builds trust and credibility, strengthening the relationship between you and your audience.
  4. Personalization: Aligning your questions with their interests allows you to personalize your content or offerings. This creates a more personalized experience for your audience, making them feel seen and understood.

Aligning your questions with the interests of your audience is a powerful strategy for increasing engagement, gaining relevant insights, building trust, and personalizing your content. By understanding their interests and asking questions that resonate with them, you can create meaningful connections and foster a loyal following.

Types of Podcast Interview Questions

1. Open-Ended Questions

Open-ended questions are valuable in gathering detailed responses from individuals. Unlike closed-ended questions that require a simple “yes” or “no” answer, open-ended questions encourage participants to provide more in-depth and thoughtful responses.

Importance of open-ended questions in eliciting detailed responses

Here are the top reasons why open-ended questions are crucial in eliciting detailed information.

  1. Encourages Reflection: Open-ended questions prompt individuals to reflect on their thoughts and experiences, leading to more detailed and introspective responses.
  2. Allows for Individual Perspectives: By allowing individuals to express their own perspectives, open-ended questions provide a diverse range of insights and opinions, resulting in a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.
  3. Stimulates Creativity: Open-ended questions inspire creative thinking as individuals are encouraged to explore different possibilities and provide unique responses, leading to a deeper exploration of the topic.
  4. Promotes Critical Thinking: Open-ended questions require individuals to think critically and analyze their thoughts before responding, resulting in more detailed and well-thought-out answers.
  5. Facilitates Storytelling: Open-ended questions allow individuals to share their personal stories and experiences, providing rich and detailed narratives that can enhance understanding and empathy.
  6. Enhances Communication Skills: By encouraging individuals to articulate their thoughts and ideas in a detailed manner, open-ended questions contribute to the development of effective communication skills.
  7. Fosters Engagement and Participation: Open-ended questions create an inclusive and interactive environment where individuals feel valued and heard, leading to increased engagement and participation.

Best Practices

When asking open-ended questions in a podcast, it’s crucial to prepare in advance but remain flexible to follow the conversation’s natural flow. Encourage guests to provide detailed responses by avoiding yes/no questions and using ‘how’, ‘why’, or ‘can you describe’ prompts.

Active listening is key, as it can lead to insightful follow-up questions. Creating a comfortable atmosphere helps guests open up. Interview questions for podcast should be neutral and unbiased, avoiding leading the guest. Showing genuine interest in responses fosters a more engaging conversation.

Utilize pauses effectively, allowing guests time to think. If needed, ask for clarification or paraphrase responses for better understanding. Maintain a balanced conversation, ensuring it’s a dialogue, not a monologue.

Finally, thoughtfully conclude each topic, acknowledging and appreciating the guest’s insights.

Sample Open-Ended Business Podcast Interview Questions

  1. Tell me about your journey to becoming a business owner. How did it all start?
  2. What are the key strategies that have contributed to the success of your business?
  3. Can you share a pivotal moment in your business that significantly changed its direction?
  4. How do you navigate the challenges and uncertainties in your industry?
  5. What lessons have you learned from your biggest failures or setbacks as a business owner?
  6. In what ways has your role as a business owner impacted your personal life and vice versa?
  7. What are the future trends you foresee in your industry, and how are you preparing for them?
  8. How do you foster innovation and creativity within your team or organization?
  9. Can you describe a situation where you had to make a difficult decision for your business? How did you approach it?
  10. What advice would you give to someone who is just starting as an entrepreneur?

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2. Personal Questions

Personal insights in interviews add depth by humanizing the guest, providing relatable stories, revealing motivations, and offering a holistic view of their experiences and perspectives.

Balancing Professional and Personal Boundaries

When asking personal questions during a podcast interview, it’s important to prioritize respect for the guest’s boundaries and ensure relevance to the podcast’s theme.

Gauge the guest’s comfort level with personal topics, and maintain a professional tone throughout. Discuss potential questions beforehand, especially sensitive topics, to understand any off-limits areas. Align the content with audience expectations, and smoothly transition between professional and personal topics to maintain conversation flow. Steer clear of controversial podcast questions or polarizing subjects unless they are pertinent and the guest is comfortable discussing them. Handle any sensitive information shared with discretion and respect.

After the interview, review any personal segments for appropriateness, and possibly seek consent from the guest before publishing.

Sample Personal Questions

  1. Can you describe a key experience from your childhood that has greatly influenced who you are today?
  2. Who or what has been the biggest influence in your life, and how has that shaped your values and beliefs?
  3. What are your main passions and interests outside of your career?
  4. Can you share a significant challenge or obstacle you’ve faced and how it has impacted your personal growth?
  5. How do you envision your future and what are your long-term aspirations?
  6. How do you find a balance between your personal and professional life?
  7. Can you talk about a mentor or role model who has had a profound impact on your life?
  8. What are some of your favorite childhood memories that have stayed with you into adulthood?
  9. How do you maintain your sense of self and identity amid life’s demands and pressures?
  10. What personal values or principles do you prioritize in your decision-making process?

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3. Business and Strategy Focused Questions

When crafting interview questions for podcasts, it is important to tailor the questions to the guest’s specific business expertise. Doing so allows you to zero in on the guest’s area of expertise and explore their knowledge in greater depth. The more you know about your guest’s business background and experience, the more effective your questions will be.

Questions to Uncover Business Insights and Strategies

  1. What key strategies have driven the success of your business?
  2. How do you stay ahead of trends and innovations in your industry?
  3. Can you share a critical decision that significantly impacted your business?
  4. What have been the most effective marketing techniques for your company?
  5. How do you approach risk management and decision-making in your business?
  6. What lessons have you learned from your biggest business challenges?
  7. How do you foster a culture of innovation and creativity within your team?
  8. What strategies do you use for effective team management and leadership?
  9. How do you measure and evaluate the success of your business strategies?
  10. What advice would you give to someone looking to replicate your business success?

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4. Exploring Industry-Specific Topics

When asking questions during a podcast interview, it is essential to consider the interests of your audience and the context of the interview. You need to ensure that the questions are relevant to the topic at hand, so that your guests can provide meaningful insights into their industry or field. Consider how current events affect your guest’s profession, as well as any challenges they face in their work. Asking questions that are specific to their industry and field will help to capture the attention of your listeners.

Sample Questions for Exploring Industry-Specific Topics

  1. What do you believe to be the biggest challenge facing your industry?
  2. How have recent events impacted your work in this area?
  3. What new trends or technologies have emerged in this field?
  4. What advice would you give to someone starting out in this profession?
  5. How has the industry changed in the past few years?
  6. What developments do you think could revolutionize this field?
  7. What are some of the most common misconceptions people have about your profession or industry?
  8. How can businesses best adapt to rapid changes in technology and customer demands?

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5. Incorporating Fun and Light-Hearted Queries

The role of fun questions in building rapport and providing entertainment

The inclusion of light-hearted questions can help to create an atmosphere of comfort and rapport between you and your guest. It also adds a touch of entertainment to the podcast, helping to keep your listeners engaged. Fun questions allow you to explore your guest’s hobbies and interests, as well as their personal values and beliefs. Consider incorporating these types of questions in order to provide interesting content and generate conversations that will keep people listening.

Examples of Fun Questions You Can Ask During a Podcast Interview

  1. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
  2. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  3. What is your favorite book or movie?
  4. What would you do if you had one day to yourself with no commitments?
  5. If your business was a fictional character, who would it be and why?
  6. If your business had a theme song, what would it be?
  7. What’s the most unexpected or oddball way you’ve advertised your business?
  8. If your company was a dessert, what would it be and why?
  9. If you could have dinner with any business icon, who would it be and why?
  10. What’s the most unusual or unexpected experience you’ve had in your business journey?
  11. If your business was a movie, which genre would it be and who would play you?
  12. What’s one quirky or unusual habit you have that contributes to your success?
  13. If you could start a business in a completely different industry, what would it be and why?
  14. What’s the funniest or most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you as a business owner?
  15. If you were to write a book about your business journey, what would the title be?
  16. What’s one product or service you wish existed that would make your life easier as a business owner?
  17. If you had to describe your business journey using only three words, what would they be?
  18. What’s a non-business-related skill or hobby you have that might surprise people?

These questions would make for a lively and engaging podcast interview for entrepreneurs and business owners.

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6. Challenging Your Guest with Thought-Provoking Questions

To construct questions that challenge a guest, delve into complex issues or decisions they faced, asking for the reasoning behind their choices. Encourage reflective answers by posing hypothetical scenarios or asking them to reconsider past decisions with current knowledge. Such questions should prompt introspection, revealing the thought processes, dilemmas, and values that guide their actions.

This approach challenges the guest and also elicits deeper insights, offering the audience a more profound understanding of the guest’s experiences and perspectives.

Sample Thought-Provoking Podcast Interview Questions

  1. Looking back, what is one decision you would change in your business journey, and why?
  2. How do you handle decisions when data contradicts your intuition?
  3. What is the biggest risk you’ve taken in your business, and how did it turn out?
  4. In what ways has your definition of success evolved since you started your business?
  5. How do you balance profit with ethics and social responsibility in your business model?
  6. Can you describe a time when a failure provided a significant learning opportunity?
  7. What do you believe is a widely held misconception in your industry, and why do you think differently?
  8. If you had to start over in a completely different industry, what key lessons from your current business would you apply?
  9. How do you foresee your industry changing in the next decade, and how is your business preparing for these changes?
  10. What advice would you give to your younger self at the start of your business journey?

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7. Creating Signature Questions

A signature question is a unique, thought-provoking inquiry consistently used by a host in interviews or shows, often becoming a hallmark of their interviewing style. It’s designed to elicit distinctive, insightful responses that reveal deeper aspects of the interviewee’s personality, experiences, or perspectives.

Sample Signature Questions

  1. The Defining Moment: What was the defining moment that led you to start your own business?
  2. In a Nutshell: If you could describe your business philosophy in one sentence, what would it be?
  3. Behind the Scenes: What is one thing about running a business that most people don’t know or wouldn’t expect?
  4. The Ripple Effect: How do you believe your business is making a difference in your industry or community?
  5. Pivot Point: Can you share a critical pivot point in your business and how it shaped your company’s direction?
  6. Wisdom for the Road: What is the best piece of advice you’ve received in your entrepreneurial journey?
  7. Reflections of Success: How do you measure success, and do you believe you’ve achieved it?
  8. Forecasting the Future: Where do you see your industry heading in the next five years, and how is your business adapting?
  9. The Balancing Act: How do you balance the demands of your business with your personal life?
  10. Legacy Question: What legacy do you hope to leave through your business endeavors?

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Tips for developing unique, memorable questions

When choosing a signature question for your podcast, it’s important to consider your podcast niche or title.

Start by asking for recommendations or misconceptions related to your podcast’s theme, to understand what your audience is curious about. Then, brainstorm unique questions that tie all of your podcast episodes together.

Your signature question should be theme-related and spark interest and engagement from your listeners. This question will become a consistent element in your podcast, helping to define and shape its identity.

By ensuring your signature question relates to your podcast niche and ties all episodes together, you create a cohesive and engaging experience for your audience.

Best Practices for Conducting Podcast Interviews

Techniques for effective questioning

Conducting a successful podcast interview hinges on mastering the art of questioning and the ability to adapt to the conversation flow. Effective questioning begins with thorough preparation; research your guest’s background and craft questions that are insightful and relevant to their expertise. Open-ended questions are particularly powerful as they encourage detailed responses and allow guests to explore topics deeply.

Listening is as crucial as asking the right questions. Active listening enables you to pick up on nuances and follow up with questions that delve deeper into the subject. It also shows respect and genuine interest in what the guest has to say, fostering a more open and comfortable conversation.

Adapting to the conversation flow and guest responses

Another key aspect is the flexibility to adapt to the conversation’s flow. While preparation is essential, being too rigid can hinder the natural progression of dialogue. Be ready to explore unexpected but interesting tangents that may arise, as they often lead to the most engaging and memorable parts of the interview.

Remember, your questioning technique should vary depending on the guest’s responses. If a guest is succinct, you might need to probe further to extract more detailed insights. Conversely, with more talkative guests, your role may be to guide and focus the discussion to keep it on track.


In summary, effective podcast interviews are a blend of preparation and spontaneity. The key lies in crafting the right podcast interview questions, actively listening to your guest, and being adaptable to the conversation’s flow. Each guest is unique, and so should be your approach to interviewing them.

As you continue on your podcasting journey, don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of questions and interviewing styles. This experimentation will not only enhance your skills as an interviewer but also keep your podcast fresh and engaging for your audience. Remember, the goal is to create a captivating listening experience that resonates long after the episode ends.